Lotte Berk was a Jewish German Ballerina that fled Nazi Germany in 1935 to London. She injured her back and worked with an Orthopedic Surgeon and a Wall Mounted Ballet Barre to design the Original Barre Workout in 1959.
Lotte Berk
Creator of the Original Barre Workout
Michelle & Lotte
Training With Lotte
Michelle Austin trained with Lotte Berk in London and taught at the Lotte Berk Studio on Madison Avenue, New York City.

The Fluidity Prototype
Out of Dad's Basement
Michelle asked her father, a PHD in Physics, to design the first and only free standing ballet barre that not only mimics a wall mounted ballet barre that supports 360 degrees of movement, but is also height adjustable.
The Fluidity Barre received a patent. Since then, Michelle has worked with MIT engineers and has been granted several more patents as she continues to be at the forefront of barre technology.
Misaligned Pelvis
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Lotte Berk is famous for teaching Barre with a “tuck”. This trained people into a posterior tilt which unfortunately caused misalignment and injury. Too many Barre Studios still do this.

Aligned Posture
Neutral Pelvis
Michelle Austin uses the Fluidity Barre to train users in all directions, concentrating on acquiring a Neutral Pelvis. This trains for both true function and beauty.
Alumni Fellow
Recognition from the Science Community
Michelle was decorated with the highest award of achievement at the youngest age ever given from Penn State University for her work in Kinesiology, the science of human muscular movements.

best in class endorsement
Fluidity provides the optimal method for not only pelvic floor muscle training, but also to incorporate the pelvic floor muscles functionally into optimal movement patterns. Fluidity training maximizes the woman's ability to modulate intraabdominal pressure by the precise training of co-contraction of the pelvic floor with the abdominal, spine, and diaphragm muscles for inner core muscle strength.
-Dr Cindy Neville, PT, DPT, WCS

Over 500,000 Users
Helping People Look & Feel Their Best
Fluidity has sold over 500,000 Barres and Michelle has received thousands of thank you letters from people with multiple dysfunctions ranging from incontinence, prolapses, balance issues, bad backs, hips, shoulders, and knees.
The Fluidity Barre and movement facilitated their recovery while making them beautiful in the process.